Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Geometry Pad-2D: Select an object to work with

In many cases you need to select an object (point, line segment, circle, triangle, polygon, angle) to work with. For example, you want to draw a circumscribed circle of triangle ABC, in this case you need to select triangle, and use triangle tools to draw its circumscribed circle.

There are some ways to select an object in the construction showing in screen:

Select by tapping on screen

  • To select a point, you can simply tap nearly it on screen
  • To select a line segment: tap nearly its center point
  • To select a circle: tap on it
  • To select a triangle, polygon: tap somewhere in the "centre" of a shape
  • To select an angle: select its vertex first, then tap somewhere inside its, nearly but not too close to the vertex     

select an object by tapping on screen

Limitation: when your construction is complex enough, this may make some confuse when you tap on the screen. For example, when two or more line segments have the same center point or there are some angles with the same vertex,...

Note: the selected object by default will be highlighted light-green filling

Use "bottom" tools 

This tools will appeared when you select some point. It is to help you select objects related to the selected point. For example, when you select point "B", the "line segment" selection tool will show you all line segments comes from/to point "B".

bottom selection tools

Limitation: this method shows you all possible variations for choosing an objects, sometime there are too many variations and it makes you difficult to detect which one is your object!

Use main selection tools

This is the most careful method to select an object, it was designed for line segments, triangles, angles and polygons. Steps to choose an object are:

  1. Choose selection tool
  2. Choose type of object
  3. Tap on all points (vertices) of an object which you want to select
Note: You should tap on the points in order you needed. For example, when you tap points: "A", "B", "C", angle ABC will be selected; but tapping on "B", "A", "C" will select angle "BAC". In the case of polygon: quadrilaterals ABCD and ACBD are different each of other!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Geometry Pad-2D: Working with triangle [1]

Suppose that we have some problem like: "Given triangle ABC with the height AH, draw line HD // AC, D is on side AC...."

pic 1

With the "Geometry Pad-2D" app, you can draw the picture easily by following steps:

Step 1: Draw triangle ABC
Step 1: Draw triangle ABC

a) Tap on the "+" tool of the TOP toolsbox
b) Tap on the "triangle" tool of the RIGHT toolsbox
c) Select type of triangle
d) Move triangle into right position 

Note: You also can change the drawn triangle by tap on any vertex or side then move it, change it using points or line segments tools

Step 2: Draw height AH

There are different ways to draw the heights of triangle: use points tools, use lines tools or use triangle tools. The following shows how to use points tools to draw height AH.

a) Select vertex A
b) Select "draw perpendicular segment" tool
c) Select showed point to draw line to...

Note: new the point on BC is automatically named as "D", we will change name of the point later.

Step 2: Draw height from A

Step 3: Draw line segment parallel to  AB

a) Select line AB, then select point D
b) Select "draw perpendicular..." of the Right toolsbox
c) Tap on small brown circle appeared on AC

Step 3: Draw DE // AB
Note: by default, new added line segments have "dotted" style

Step 4: Naming, styles and colours

a) Now you can use points tools (select any point to show point tools on the right side of screen) to change name(s) of points. In our case change "D" -> "H" and "E" -> "D"

(The naming tool is the first one of the points toolsbox)

b) Select line segment to show lines toolsbox on the right side of screen. Use change line-style, change line-colour tools to make a picture look as you want

line segments toolsbox

c) Select angle AHC and mark it with, the right angle mark will be drawn

mark angle

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